2024 Fall Recruitment
Choose your letters, change your life
Interested in joining one of Oglethorpe’s three Panhellenic sororities? Check out these dates for Fall Recruitment!
This year, there is NO FEE to participate!
Please reach out to the Panhellenic Council, at [email protected].
For more information and to sign up for recruitment, visit the official Panhellenic website.
Pre-Recruitment Events
Stop by our events leading up to recruitment to get to know our chapters and the Recruitment process before Recruitment Week begins. Please feel free to come out to meet our sisters and learn more about going Greek at OU! Feel free to bring a friend. (Attendance is not mandatory.)
- 9/3: Meet n’ Greek
- 9/11: Ice Cream Social
- 9/18: Tote Bag Painting
Recruitment Events
- 9/23: Orientation
- 9/24: Sisterhood Night
- 9/25: Philanthropy Night
- 9/27: Preference Night
- 9/28: Bid Day
Our Council
“We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.”We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.” – Panhellenic Creed
Mission Statement: The NPC supports its women’s fraternities by promoting values, education, leadership, friendships, cooperation, and citizenship. Panhellenic means “all Greek women”. The purpose of their association through the NPC is to foster relationships between the women’s fraternities, assist collegiate chapters of the NPC member groups, and to cooperate with colleges and universities in maintaining the highest scholastic and social standards. The purpose of College Panhellenic is to promote Panhellenic ideas on campus, as expressed in the Panhellenic Creed.
Purpose: The NPC was established to assist collegiate and alumnae chapters of the member groups, to cooperate with colleges and universities, and foster interfraternal relationships.
Our Chapters

Alpha Sigma Tau was founded on November 4, 1899 at Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University). For more information about the Alpha Sigma Tau chapter at Oglethorpe, please follow this link for their chapter page.

Sigma Sigma Sigma was founded on April 20, 1898 at Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia. For more information about the Tri Sigma chapter at Oglethorpe, please follow this link for their chapter page.
Chi Omega was founded on April 5, 1895 at the University of Arkansas. For more information about the Chi Omega chapter at Oglethorpe, please follow this link for their chapter page.